Join the Ajax Scuba Club!
Not a Club Member yet? Follow these simple steps to join...
- Register a new account; complete your dive profile and registration forms.
- Our membership director will contact you after for payment and collection of the forms.
It’s just that easy!
ASC membership entitles you to participate in our scheduled dives and events, as well as allowing you to take advantage of our low rental costs for diving equipment and free air fills.
Members will also be eligible to register in advanced diver training courses which are usually lower a cost than those offered by dive shops because the club operates as a not for profit organization for the benefit of our members.
Membership Renewal Instructions Click Here
What does it cost to become a member of the Ajax Scuba Club?
- Individual Membership - $90.00 / year including an OUC (Ontario Underwater Council) membership.
- Additional Family Member living at the same geographic address - $70.00 / year including an OUC membership.
Students who take their Open Water Certification through the Ajax Scuba Club receive a free one year membership to the Club.
The Dive Selection Process During the Spring General Meeting
The Spring Meeting is where you sign up for your dives. Prior to the meeting you will receive information describing the seasons' dives and the dates that they will occur. The dives are rated level 1, level 2 and level 3 based on their depth, current, visibility etc. After reading about the various dive sites, each member may initially sign up for three dives that are appropriate for their diving skill level. If you are unsure if a dive is appropriate for you, please discuss it with a club executive member.
Once everyone has selected their first three preferred dives, a second round of sign-ups will be allowed. As space is limited on some dives, where more members wish to be on a dive than spaces available, a ballot process is used to be fair to all members. A waiting list for each dive is then compiled for overbooked dives. In the event a diver cancels their reservation for a dive the next person on the list is contacted to determine if they wish to attend. When all the dives have been filled, members are required to pay the deposit for any dives booked and provide a post dated cheque for the balance. Remember to bring a pen and your cheque book to the meeting! Some dive weekends which involve only shore dives are not restricted in the number of divers who may attend.
Fall General Meeting
During the Fall General Meeting, which is open to all members, the membership gets together to discuss club business and to discuss what went well and what could have been improved upon during the past dive season. The Club Executive welcomes any comments and suggestions from club members. The Fall General Meeting is also when elections are held for the Club Executive positions. If you're interested in volunteering, or learning how the club functions, please contact any of the Club Executive team for information. The success of the club as a not for profit organization is directly related to the extent of participation of our members in its organization and management.
Gear Rentals
If you're a new diver, you may not own all your own diving equipment. The club has a supply of tanks, buoyancy compensation devices (B.C.’s) and regulator sets available for rental to members. The weekend rental prices are far below what you will find at dive shops. Renting provides a good way to try various gear types before deciding what to buy.
Air Fills
The club operates its own compressor. Members are entitled to free air fills for any club dives. Air fills can be obtained at the ASC “backroom” on Thursday nights prior to a dive weekend.
Please note: If you have rented gear from the club, please return it properly rinsed and dry.
Also when visiting the “back room” for air fills or equipment rentals, please do not park in the handicapped parking areas.
Social Events
In addition to diving, the club also organizes non-diving social events throughout the year including bowling nights, tobogganing and white water rafting events. These events will be posted in newsletters throughout the year.
Dive Tours and Trips
Almost every year club members organizes groups of club members who wish to take dive vacations together. Recent member groups who have vacationed together have visited and experienced diving in Rotan, Honduras, the Florida Keys and Pensacola, Florida. Two recent trips were for a week on live aboard boats diving in the Bahamas, Exhume Islands. Each of these trips have provided our members with wonderful memories and great diving experiences.
Our training director is responsible for coordinating scuba courses for members who are interested in advancing their certification beyond basic open water level. Courses ranging from Open Water Advanced up to Divemaster and Assistant Instructor are available through the club, at a lower cost than local dive shops. All training is provided by certified instructors.
Weekend Dives
During club weekend dives the club will research and provide members with information concerning local hotels and campsites in an effort to provide the maximum choice in location and costs for our members. The members attending dive weekends and their families frequently get together at local camp ground or local restaurant after the dive day is finished. These dive weekends are in addition to great diving an excellent opportunity to get to know other members and their families.