- Dives are open for booking on Mar 1
- When a dive fills, you can put your name on a waiting list
- Members from other OUC clubs can register for a dive starting March 1st but will remain on the waiting list until April 1st
- Register for dive(s) by emailing
Dive Coordinator
-> Dive Coordinator will confirm your spot on dives and confirm amount due
-> Full payment is due upon confirmation you are registered.
-> E-transfer your payments to Treasurer
-> Payments made by cash/cheque can be arranged with the Treasurer
- Dives are filled in the order that payments are received.
-> If a dive is filled, additional divers are added to a waiting list.
-> If a spot becomes available. Full payment is due immediately, or it goes to the next person on the waiting list
->Payments not required to put your name on the waiting list for a dive
- If the club cancels a dive, the full amount is refunded
- Cancellations must be done by contacting the Dive Co-Coordinator via email: Dive Coordinator - No exceptions.
- Keep any e-mail confirmations in case of dispute
- If you cancel your spot on a boat dive, more than three weeks before the dive:
-> If your spot is filled, you will receive a full refund
-> If your spot is NOT filled, you will get a refund of 50%.
- If you cancel in three weeks or less before a dive:
-> If your spot is filled, you will receive a refund less 50%.
-> If your spot is NOT filled, no refund will be issued.
- Shore dive fees are not refundable, unless cancelled by the Club
- In the case of a death in the family, or similar hardship, a refund will be provided at the discretion of the club executive
-> As a diver it is your responsibility to maintain your physical health. A cold, or ear infection, will not be considered a hardship
- The Treasurer will issue all refunds in the Fall
Registering and Paying for Dives
Cancellation Policies
About the Ajax Scuba Club
What is the Ajax Scuba Club?The Ajax Scuba Club is a "not for profit" organization made up of local recreational SCUBA divers. We have been providing services to our members in the Durham Ontario area since 1975.
We have approximately 80+ members, and are run by a democratically elected executive made up of Club members.
Our Club Mission StatementThe Ajax Scuba Club provides an avenue to dive in a safe and organized environment. The club organizes a full summer dive schedule for dive sites ranging from novice to advanced. Our dive charters are designed so that a newly certified diver can dive with more experienced divers to gain confidence in an atmosphere that focuses on safety. Every charter will be run by a Divemaster who will give briefings on dive sites and introduce new divers to boat etiquette and dive protocol.
What does the Ajax Scuba Club do?
The Club provides SCUBA diving training suitable for all skill levels from entry level to full certification courses. We also provide leadership level dive programs up to the Divemaster and Assistant Instructor Levels. We offer certified training in First Aid, CPR, and Oxygen Administration to our members.
We organize supervised diving events, including: shore diving; charter boat diving; and dive trips both within and outside Ontario. Our members have access to one of the most comprehensive club dive schedules in southern Ontario! The Club also organizes social non-diving events of interest to our membership (eg. Club picnics).
We engage in recreational diving. As such, we practice "no decompression" diving within the established sport diving limits. We do not practice technical or mixed gas diving, with the exception of Nitrox.
You will find us visiting some of the best wreck sites in southern Ontario, "scrounging" for old bottles and "junk" in the 1000 Islands, or enjoying the amazing beauty of a Caribbean coral reef. Almost any place you can get wet has something to offer!
We are very much focused on safety. All Club diving events are supervised by Divemasters and Rescue Divers. Our Club Divemasters are fully trained and equipped to deal with any emergency situation. We're very proud of our safety record and work hard to keep it that way.
What other services does the Ajax Scuba Club provide its members?Besides access to the diving activities, continuing education, and social events mentioned above, we offer low cost equipment rentals and free air fills to members for any club diving event.
The Club also publishes newsletters at regular intervals which provide updated information concerning Club diving and non diving activities, club executive updates and interesting general diving related tips and information.
Where does the Ajax Scuba Club meet?Our facilities are located at the Ajax Community Centre in Ajax Ontario. Club members meet Thursday evenings prior to a scheduled club dive, and Tuesday evenings following. The Club “ backroom” for equipment pick up prior to dive weekends is located at the south-east corner of the Ajax Community Centre building.
We have a general membership meeting in the fall each year at which time we elect our executive, A second general meeting is in the spring during which members may renew their memberships and book the dives which they wish to participate during the upcoming dive season.
Who is eligible to join the Ajax Scuba Club?- Divers already certified by a recognized SCUBA training agency.
- Uncertified divers who register to take our Open Water Diver Course (NOTE: a free club membership is included when you learn to dive with our club).
- Anyone who wants a non-diving social membership.
Certified Divers who wish to join the Ajax Scuba Club, and who have not received their Open Water Certification through the Ajax Scuba Club, must have their dive skills reviewed and evaluated by an ASC Divemaster prior to participating in any Club sanctioned dives.
This checkout may be completed during a Club confined water pool event, or during the ASC Open Water Student Checkout weekend conducted each spring. For further information please contact the Training Director at training@ajaxscubaclub.on.ca